25. What is the name of the
cytoplasm division in the end
of mitosis? What are the
differences in this process
between animal and plant

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Cytoplasm division occurs
telophase and it called cytokinesis. In
cells an invagination the
plasma membrane the cell
center in the equator
parent cell and the cell is
in that region divided
into two cells. This type
division is called cytokinesis
(from outside).

plant cells the is not
centripetal the division happens
the inside. Membranous full of
pectin in the internal
region of the and propagate to
periphery toward the
membrane. The pectin-containing
fuse themselves and a central
structure phragmoplast. On the
cellulose deposition
occurs a true cell is created to
the daughter cells. cells
thus present cytokinesis.

The phragmoplast “failures”, or
pores, permit cytoplasmic
communications the daughter
cells. openings are called